5 марта 2014 г.

Russian honey cake - "Medovik"

One of the traditional and tasty cakes with honey. Loved by many russians.
Honey cake

Ingredients for 5 layers for baking tray 20-23 sm:
for butter:
100 g butter
100 g sugar
2 large eggs
200-250 g of honey
350 g wheat flour
1 tsp of baking soda

for cream:
500 g creme fraiche
300 g double creame
100-150 g sugar

Honey cake
Put butter, sugar, honey and eggs in small source pan and put into another pan with boiling water. Mix thoroughly while butter is melting and sugar not dissolved.  Add flour with soda into butter mixture and mix it using the spoon. The mixture will be quite liquid, leave it for 12 hours or so in a fridge. Then take it out from the fridge and leave at room temperature for few hours.

Put your baking ring on a tray with baking paper, spread two table spoons of butter evenly. Bake for 8-10 min at 180C in the oven. Leave it to cool. Repeat using all butter mixture. At the end you should have 5 layers. Choose one, brake it into small pieces and bake it few minutes more until golden. Then use food processor to crumble it. We will use these crumbles to cover the last layer.

To make the cream, whip cold cream until formed picks. Mix together creme fraiche and sugar. Add whipped cream to the creme fraiche mixture and mix gently.

Spread the cream over the top of each layer, placing one on top of other. On the top layer and edges put some crumbles. Refridgerate over night and enjoy your honey cake.

Medovik cake

3 комментария:

  1. У вас он получился таким изысканным! Настоящий русский медовик обычно выглядит плохо и неаппетитно :-D

  2. Милый мой кулинар, эстетическое удовольствие получаешь только глядя на пирог, а если попробовать...
